Thursday 29 January 2009

Saving Lives, One Stove at a Time

We all know there is a grave problem in global warming and increased pollution. Stockholm University recently came out with a study that showed a large percentage - 66% - of the brown haze that constantly plagues South Asia and the Indian Ocean is caused by burning of wood and dung, and not coal and oil. Sadly, this pollution is not merely an inconvenience, but results in many deaths in the area. But what can we do about it?

I want to point you to another report, this time from NPR. The Onil Stove was created to save burns and dramatically increase efficiency. But it is also built with cheap materials, and the inventor, Don O'Neal, refused to make any money off it, giving the design away instead. This may well be the answer to helping the people of South Asia. Obviously, they need to continue to use fuel for cooking and cold winter nights. The use of the stove will allow them to meet these needs, while saving lives throughout the area through reduced pollution.

But though the stoves are cheap, in many areas of the world, they run some twenty times daily family income. So please go to Helps International, and donate there for the Onil Stove. And tell them that you want them to expand. Currently, the Onil Stove is only available in parts of Latin America, as Helps only does its very good work in that area of the world. Your voice, and your donation, can encourage Helps to expand into India, and alleviate the pollution and deaths in South Asia.

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